Seal, skinned & left to rot on the ice floes
With all the hype surrounding the Canadian seal cull, regular readers of this blog will know I decided to focus my attentions on the lesser known, but far more violent and cruel, Namibian seal slaughter. I began an intensive campaign called “The Seals of Nam” to spread the word and hopefully draw more attention to this heinous annual onslaught on the Cape Fur seals. Each year, 85 000 baby seals, still nursing from their mothers teats, are savagely beaten to death on the beaches of Namibia. Their pelts are sold for a paltry US$7. A further 6 000 bull seals are shot at point blank range so that their penises can be used to make an ineffective aphrodisiac. Read further and join me in fighting this madness. 

When I first began, I approached Francois Hugo, a man many believe to be the worlds leading expert on these animals. I informed Hugo of my intentions, not only with regards to an awareness campaign, but also to set up international protests and to even go so far as to institute an economic boycott of Namibia. Initially, it appeared as though Hugo was in favour of my plan. He willingly provided me with information and encouraged and supported my efforts. I used some of the info he provided me with on social media sites and credited him accordingly. However, for reasons still unclear to me, Hugo abruptly changed his tune. He accused me of stealing his info and labelled me with all manner of things. In his eyes, I was relegated to persona non grata, and (quoting) “a stupid prick behind a keyboard.” He publicly let it be known that he thought protests and a boycott were a complete waste of time. HIS plan was the only solution to ending the cull. Basically it entailed giving him vast quantities on money. Some US$16 million if I am not mistaken. Personally, I find this amount rather distasteful and amounts to nothing more than emotional extortion. 

Boycott Namibia
Never one to be shy of controversy, I did not allow his personal attack to dampen my enthusiasm for the project I had come to embrace. On the contrary, it strengthened my resolve to find an alternative solution and I began to achieve a certain measure of success. Protests sprang up all over the world, and top notch organizations such as Sea Shepherd, Fur Free SA, Beauty Without Cruelty, Bite Back, Seal Pup Defenders and the International Anti Fur Coalition sprang to my aid. Within a matter of weeks, we had celebrities endorsing our campaign and media were (and still are) reporting on our plans to BOYCOTT NAMIBIA . I am forever indebted to these organizations and cannot begin to thank them enough for their massive contributions.

But how can YOU, the reader of this humble blog, predominantly from countries FAR removed from Namibia, possibly get involved? Well, we have put together a list of simple actions that would undoubtedly help the cause. 

To find out which companies are the major contributors to the Namibian GDP, who you can write to and how you can support the boycott, CLICK HERE

To sign petitions, CLICK HERE

To find a list of things you can do to support us further, CLICK HERE

to go for their coffers