Tomorrow, 11 December is for personal family reasons, both a joyous and sad day. Tomorrow is also a day of activism and action. Since I am not to keen on going into my personal life on this blog, lets see what the activism and action entails.

Fox skinned for its fur

In Greenpoint, Cape Town, Beauty Without Cruelty SA will be holding a NO FUR rally outside the Cape Quarter Lifestyle Centre from 11am to 1pm. They are protesting the cruel deaths of some 50 MILLION animals farmed each year for the fur trade. These animals are usually kept under shocking conditions and die horrid deaths through being beaten, electrocuted, gassed, strangled and generally tortured to death. A further 10 to 15 million animals are savagely trapped each year, choking to death in snares, or being crushed in body traps.

10-15 million animals trapped each year

You can make a difference, not only in your attendance of this event, but also by educating others about the plight of these animals. Make informed decisions when buying garments and chose not to be a part of it. Don’t be fooled by terms such as “Faux” because more often than not these are rabbit or cat. Origin Assured is propaganda put out by the fur industry to fool you into thinking fur is not cruel. Don’t be deceived by this bull.

If you wish to attend, wear red to signify the blood shed. Fur belongs on the loin-cloth of Neanderthals, not on the garments of modern man in an age of internet and air-conditioning.