
The Seals of Nam

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Ok. Been a while since I last blogged, with the past few days being extremely busy. My campaign “The Seals of Nam” has taken off quite nicely and much positive feedback from the website. News articles and blogs are starting to publish the horrors of the Namibian seal massacre (the largest slaughter of wildlife on earth) and many are joining me in the call to BOYCOTT NAMIBIA.

I am absolutely thrilled with the support I have got and need to make special mention of and thanks to BITE BACK in Belgium for staging protests outside the Namibian embassy, FUR FREE SA as well as well as BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUELTY and SASSI for all the tremendous effort they put in. The media campaign has turned into a major success with local South African celebrities lending their voices to the campaign.

Bite Back protest in Brussels

ANIMALS AUSTRALIA will be demonstrating in Brisbane and although Sea Shepherd are not a protest organization, our CEO Steve Roest has granted the South African chapter to stage protests later in the year. These will take place in Cape Town and Pretoria. I also hope to involve other international chapters so as to increase awareness to the plight of the Cape Fur Seals and add additional pressure on the Namibian government to end the slaughter. I would also like to thank Sea Shepherd in particular for publishing my article on their website and Facebook pages. The amount of awareness this has generated has been phenomenal. 
If you would like to know more about the campaign and how you can help, with links to petitions and who you can write to etc CLICK HERE
If you represent an organization and would like to join us in an official capacity, you can send us an email by clicking HERE 

This baby seal was savagely beaten. It then had its throat slit while it was still alive

Anti-Fur Demo Cape Town 11-Dec-2010

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Tomorrow, 11 December is for personal family reasons, both a joyous and sad day. Tomorrow is also a day of activism and action. Since I am not to keen on going into my personal life on this blog, lets see what the activism and action entails.

Fox skinned for its fur

In Greenpoint, Cape Town, Beauty Without Cruelty SA will be holding a NO FUR rally outside the Cape Quarter Lifestyle Centre from 11am to 1pm. They are protesting the cruel deaths of some 50 MILLION animals farmed each year for the fur trade. These animals are usually kept under shocking conditions and die horrid deaths through being beaten, electrocuted, gassed, strangled and generally tortured to death. A further 10 to 15 million animals are savagely trapped each year, choking to death in snares, or being crushed in body traps.

10-15 million animals trapped each year

You can make a difference, not only in your attendance of this event, but also by educating others about the plight of these animals. Make informed decisions when buying garments and chose not to be a part of it. Don’t be fooled by terms such as “Faux” because more often than not these are rabbit or cat. Origin Assured is propaganda put out by the fur industry to fool you into thinking fur is not cruel. Don’t be deceived by this bull.

If you wish to attend, wear red to signify the blood shed. Fur belongs on the loin-cloth of Neanderthals, not on the garments of modern man in an age of internet and air-conditioning.